Department of Taiwan and Regional Studies National Dong Hwa University
中研院民族學研究所當代情境下的巫師與儀式展演研究群 2019第三次討論會
巫師研究群謹訂於5月18日舉行第三次討論會,此次難得邀請到研究加拿大Inuit(因紐特人)與菲律賓南島語族巫師的Frédéric Laugrand進行專題演講,機會難得盼各位踴躍參加。
講者:Frédéric Laugrand (比利時魯汶大學與加拿大Laval大學人類學系教授)
講題:The art of the mambonong in Ibaloy death rituals (Philippines) (菲律賓Ibaloy人喪葬儀式中的Mambonong巫師技藝)
演講摘要:The Ibaloy, an indigenous group of the Cordillera Central in the Philippines, perform aremag burial rites. They also exhume human remains, a practice that still has not received the attention it deserves. In this paper, I will describe the késheng ja waray batbat ritual, the timeline of its sequences, and the many objects and acts it involves. Using a film I recorded with two Ibaloy fellows as well as ethnographical material collected in a community since 2012, I will focus on the mambonong, a priest or shaman. I will show how much he leads the ritual and occupies a key position in the trade the living people organize with the dead, getting the support of the Kabunians, the Ibaloy divinities.
菲律賓中央高地科地雷拉省的原住民Ibaloy族仍舉行Aremagt傳統喪葬儀式。儀式中延續傳統會將遺體掘出再回葬,這方面的儀式並沒有得到其應有的研究重視。在本次的演講中,我將依時間軸上的程序以及所涉及的物件與行為描述Késheng ja waray Batbat儀式。我將運用自2012年以來與兩名Ibaloy研究員在部落所記錄的民族誌影片,其核心在於Mambonong(儀式執行者或薩滿)。我將說明其在儀式當中的主導地位,並且獲致Kabunians群靈的支持,使其在生者與死者間扮演中介的關鍵角色。
本次會議備有豐盛午餐,煩請各位巫友於5/15日前回覆是否能參加此次演講討論會,感謝 ^^ --------以上內容可刪除之會議回條------------------------------
計畫助理-謝博剛:(02)2652-3455,shaman@sinica.edu.tw 主持人-胡台麗、劉璧榛 聯絡地址:台北市南港區研究院路二段128號-民族學研究所2612室 (11529)
No.128, Sec. 2, Academia Rd., Nangang Dist., Taipei City 11529, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
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