Department of Taiwan and Regional Studies National Dong Hwa University
二、擬聘教師職稱及名額:專案助理教授1名 三、擬聘年度:一○六學年度第一、二學期(一學年聘期) 四、學歷:具博士學位或助理教授以上資格 五、專長領域: 以本系專業課程及擔任本院亞太區域研究國際碩士學位學程(全英文授課)授課與相關行政工作者為主。 六、檢附證件: 1、履歷表(含著作目錄)。 2、學經歷證件(含學位論文)【國外學經歷另須檢附:國外學歷證件、歷年成績單、國外經歷服務證明需向駐外單位辦理驗證並蓋驗證戳記及經駐外館處驗證或國內公證人認證之中文譯本、國外學位送審教師修業情形一覽表(持博士學位者,累計在當地學校修業時間至少須滿16個月;碩士、博士學位同時修習者,累計在當地學校修業時間至少須滿24個月)、歷年入出境紀錄(請逕向內政部移民署申請,申請人為外國人或僑民者免附)】各1份。 3、最近五年內著作。 4、三封推薦信。 七、備註: 收件人:國立東華大學臺灣文化學系姜小姐 收件截止日期:106年3月8日17:00前寄達或送達本系 資料寄出(或送出)前請先e-mail通知本系聯絡人(含履歷表電子檔) 地址:97401花蓮縣壽豐鄉志學村大學路二段一號(臺灣文化學系) 收件人、聯絡人:姜小姐 聯絡電話:03-8635212 電子信箱:ftc1029@gms.ndhu.edu.tw Full-time teaching position on Liberal Arts (assistant professor) Institution: Department of Taiwan and Regional Studies, National Donghwa University Date of appointment: Aug 1, 2017 Location: Hualien, TAIWAN Qualifications and Job Description: Ph. D. required. non Tenure Track. Teaching and/or research specialization on regional studies / cultural landscape and heritage / GIS application. Applicants should be able to teach graduate and undergraduate courses in Chinese Mandarin and in English (for graduate courses only). Preference will be given to someone whose scholarship and teaching that are expressly interdisciplinary, and with demonstrated ability to approach Taiwan studies from a regional/comparative perspective. In addition to teach courses offered by the department, successful candidates will be required to contribute to the university's general education program, geography courses for prospective secondary education instructors. In addition to teaching 9-13 credit hours of course work each semester, faculty members are expected to maintain active participation in research, department governance, and academic advisement. Application Information Candidates must submit: 1. Curriculum Vitae 2. Diploma and Ph.D. dissertation * Diploma issued outside Taiwan need to be certified by the overseas office Taiwan (ROC). 3. Academic Publications within recent 5 years. 4. Three current letters of recommendation Application Deadline: March 8, 2017 Contact: Ms. Chiang, Office Manager, Department of Taiwan and Regional Studies, National Donghwa University Postal Address: No.1, Sec. 2, Da-hsueh Rd., Soufeng Township, Hualien County 97401, TAIWAN Email Address: ftc1029@gms.ndhu.edu.tw Phone: +886-3-863-5212 ![]() ![]() 瀏覽數
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